Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey-Shaped Apple Tarts

Happy Thanksgiving! Parents hosted a Thanksgiving party this year and had me help with desserts so I found this cute and easy recipe from MirandaMade.

What you'll need:
2 egg yolks
Half a stick of butter
Granulated sugar
Apple butter
2 green apples
1 red apple
Raisins or craisins for the eyes
Unbaked pie dough

1. Preheat oven to 400°C. Slice apples into thin pieces.

2. Add 3 teaspoons of water to the egg yolks and beat.

3. Unroll the pie dough and cut out circles about 5" in diameter. I just used the top of an oatmeal box.

4. Add 2 teaspoons of apple butter to the circle and spread around, leaving about half an inch uncovered on the edges.

5. Arrange apples in a circle by alternating color to make it look like the feathers of a turkey!

6. Cut out circle pieces of dough about 2.5" and 1.5" in diameter. These will be for the body and head of the turkey. Use the egg yolk mixture as a glue to attach the head to the body.

7. Cut out triangle pieces for the beak and tear drops for little gobblers! I used craisins for the eyes. Cover the gobblers and beaks with egg wash. This will give them a darker color when put in the oven.

8. Melt and spread butter over the dough and apples and sprinkle sugar on top. Fold in the edges and add a layer of the egg yolk over them.

9. Bake on a greased pan for 15 minutes or until dough is golden-brown.

Gobble gobble :)

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